The International Saxophone Symposium, hosted by the United States Navy Band, is held each year in early January. The two-day event, first hosted by the Navy Band in 1978, features a mix of performances, masterclasses and lectures designed for musicians of all ages.
The symposium highlights the prominence of the saxophone in both classical and jazz literature through the two marquee concerts on Friday and Saturday nights, which feature a number of guest artists. Traditionally, Friday night's concert presents the U.S. Navy Concert Band with a mixture of band pieces and classically-oriented saxophone solos. In previous years, soloists with the Concert Band have included Vincent David, Claude Delangle, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Timothy McAllister, Otis Murphy, Valentine Michaud, Quatuor Habanera, Donald Sinta and many others.
All events are free and open to the public.